Thursday, February 16, 2017

Fresh Lemonade


By Carol A. Huss

Super fresh homemade lemonade may help bring your nasty symptoms to a halt.   Follow directions carefully and you’ll know that refreshing taste.

 2 cups Water

¾ to 1 cup granulated Sugar

1 cup fresh Lemon Juice

Few slices Lemon

Water and Ice.

Directions:  Heat to boiling 2 cups of water in medium saucepan.  Add granulated sugar to boiling water and stir until thoroughly dissolved.   Add and stir in some ice to saucepan to chill mixture thoroughly.  Add and stir fresh lemon juice into mixture.  Pour mixture into a 2-quart pitcher and add water to fill.  To serve:  may add lemon slices & ice to each glass of lemonade.

Hints: Use glass containers (pitcher & glasses) to help preserve fresh flavor.