Tuesday, October 1, 2019

In a Pickle

Gram's Sweet Pickles, Company as well as Bread and Butter Pickles are in line to be made, but dill pickles are first. First trial on a new pickle recipe was simply horrible.  It was too salty and oh so sour.  It was given a sugar substitute that just didn't do the job.  Soon another dill pickling recipe is up to be tried.  This time we will be using Blue Lake green beans from my garden harvest.


50 0/0 Water to 50 0/0 Distilled Vinegar (2 cups each)
1/4 cup pickling Salt
Dill & Garlic Cloves
Plus Pickling Spices (Opt)

Green Beans

Clean beans and remove ends of pods. Place a sprig of fresh dill and one or two cloves of garlic in bottom of clean linear jars.  Tightly place beans in linear shaped jars so that they press each other below vinegar solution surface to pickle entire bean. Pour vinegar solution over beans to 1/4 inch from top edge of jars.  Seal with lid and ring by putting in hot bath for 10 minutes.  Sets in 3 weeks to finish pickling process.


Thank you, Kathy Hesser for being such a good cook and sharing your recipe!

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